One of the most frequent storm-related problems homeowners deal with is window damage. Broken glass and other debris can damage your home, increase the risk of structural damage, and create health problems. Thankfully, you may take precautions to shield your windows from storms. These include installing impact-resistant glass, plywood boards, and storm shutters.
Water Damage
Water damage is one of the most typical issues in your house. Various issues, including plumbing leaks, leaking roofs and burst pipes, can cause it. Fortunately, the most common causes of water damage are things that can be prevented or corrected by professional help with the help of a hurricane proof window. The more you can avoid the problem before it starts, the less likely it will become a large and expensive repair job. Once your home does experience water damage, it is important to act quickly. It is because hidden water damage can cause rot, mold and other problems that will cost you a lot of money to fix later on. In addition to preventing microbial growth, moving your belongings out of the area where water has damaged them is also important. It will help ensure that the water can dry properly and make it easier for professional water damage restoration services to restore your home.
Wind Damage
During strong storms, the wind can cause a lot of damage to homes and commercial buildings. It includes tearing off shingles from roofs, uprooting trees and peeling siding.
Homeowners’ insurance policies can cover many types of damage caused by wind storms. These policies typically cover damages to the roof, windows, doors, and other home structures. This coverage also protects you from water damage, theft or fire losses.
Hail Damage
When a storm hits, hail is one of the most common damages homes suffer. It can cause roof damage, siding and rain gutters to break, shingles to lose granules, windows to crack, and more. Hail is a type of solid precipitation that falls as chunks of ice form in thunderstorm updrafts. It can be as small as a few millimeters in diameter or as large as 6 inches.
The size of the hail, as well as its fall speed and tumbling characteristics, are the main factors that determine how it damages property. The smallest hailstones are under an inch in diameter and travel between 9 and 25 mph speeds. While a hailstorm may only last a few minutes, the damage it causes can be severe and expensive. That’s why having an expert assess your home for hail damage immediately after the storm is important. It will allow you to identify problems and get them fixed before they cause bigger issues.
Extreme Temperatures
Extreme temperature variations can affect the performance and longevity of any window. It is especially true of windows made from materials with a high expansion and contraction rate, such as vinyl. The constant temperature shift also stresses the seals that keep your glass in place and protect the frame from the elements. Once the seals fail, you may start seeing condensation build-up between your panes of glass. Another common problem with extreme weather is the bowing and warping of your frame. It can make your windows less efficient and even cause them to lose structural integrity. Aside from the edges of your windows, hardware can deteriorate in extreme temperatures. It is particularly true of window handles and hinges, easily damaged in ice or extremely cold weather.