
Tips On How to Conduct Effective Performance Interviews with Your Employees

Posted by Tim

There are so many tips and pointers on how to conduct effective performance interviews with your employees. Goals will have to be set and attained in order to have a successful organization. If an employee feels a task is impossible to complete, a domino effect can happen in the workplace leading to hopelessness affecting other employees.


Performance interviews are perceived to be difficult and sometimes useless by most managers. Conducting effective performance interviews allow managers to connect their employees to the larger mission and goals of the organization. It allows the managers to determine areas that need attention whether it be on the employee’s part or other factors. A manager can break down a task to manageable stages and deadlines for the employee. Frequent interviews will increase engagement that will ultimately result in higher dividends for the company. A greater understanding of the goals of the company and the employees’ contribution to the success of these goals is the desired outcome of periodic interviews.   


Performance discussions may not seem like a key factor in a flourishing organization, but they are vital to be successful. The topic of the conversation can be everywhere from career growth and development to engaging challenges and goals. Also, the organization benefits by touching base on peer and customer feedback. All these topics will not only help employees and managers to pinpoint mishaps and achievements, but it gives the organization a heads up on what to look forward to in the future.


In general, there are two different but very much important kinds of performance reviews. An annual performance review is Traditional. Traditional reviews usually consist of one-way conversations and close ended questions. Raises and promotions tend to be part of the traditional review. On the other hand, Modern performance reviews are more transparent and collaborative. This type of interview is a two-way street and results in feedback and opinions. Modern performance reviews are more in-depth. Managers can praise accomplishments, listen to complaints, concerns and answer any questions the employee may have.



Preparation for a performance review is necessary to give you a clear perspective prior to the meeting. Mentioning your accomplishments and how they pertain to your job description is a good first step. Identifying areas where you need clarification or improvement is another point that should be expressed. Communication is key here. Being open to constructive criticism is a must. This allows your manager to know you are willing to improve and are adaptive to change. Lastly, document the interview so you will be ready for the future.


The objective of an effective performance review is to benefit the staff and the company. Setting goals and expectations, increasing engagement with employees, determining compensation issues, and improved organizational performance are common outcomes of periodic performance reviews. One way to expedite the road to success in terms of evaluating employee performance is to hire a professional executive coach that specializes in intelligent leadership training to lead companies to new levels of achievement.


We have done the talking. Now it’s time to put our best foot forward and do the walking.

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